This Site
This website is dedicated to providing information about the dog family (known as "Canidae") that is both understandable and easily accessable. Biological classification provides a natural hierarchy by which the website is organized. The "development suite" that was used to make this site consists of Notepad++ for coding and writing, GIMP for graphics, and Filezilla to FTP all the files to the server. All of these programs are free and just a google search away.
The Aggregate
The main feature of this website is something I call "The Aggregate". The aggregate allows users to select certain sections from multiple documents and have those sections appear on their own user page. Being able to compare sections of different documents that have the same structureand kind of information is very useful. In this case, comparing the "description" section from two species may be useful. Beyond that, many documents are instances of a certain class of document. For example, scientific studies are consistently divided into abstract, introduction, methods, etc. Comparing the methods sections from two studies may prove useful.